TC-P50GT30 glasses

Discussion in '3D TVs' started by sticx, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. sticx

    sticx New Member

    Nov 9, 2011
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    I just purchased a TC-P50GT30 Panasonic TV. Do I need to use the Panasonic 3d glasses with the tv for the best 3d image? Or are there much cheaper glasses I can buy? Paying 140 dollars per pair is a bit ridiculous.

    On a similar note I also have a 3d monitor for my computer (BenQ XL2410T). Would what ever glasses I do end up with also work with this tv? I know the Panasonic TV requires active glasses instead of passive. But I'm not sure what the nvidia 3dvision uses.
    sticx, Nov 9, 2011
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