I've not heard much about the Sony Alpha 3D Camera, so I've posted this snippet of information I found in case others are interested in it: [URL]http://www.letsgodigital.org/en/24234/sony-3d-camera/[/URL] [QUOTE]Sony is bidding high with its innovative 3D technology. At first you might think that Sony is only focusing on 3D TV and peripheral equipment such as Blu-ray players and PlayStation3 multimedia devices. However, when we take a closer look at Sony’s plans, we can expect quite a bit of 3D technology for 2010. What to think about Sony Alpha 3D cameras? Yes indeed, Sony is going to make Alpha DSLR cameras apt for 3D technology! Sony sees the market divided into 3 segments: creative, distribution and display. The Display segment seems pretty transparent, think of Sony 3D television, but also of PlayStation3 and VAIO notebooks. [/QUOTE] Is anyone planning on getting one of these?