Rembrandt 3D Tablet

Discussion in '3D Computing' started by Bombelkie, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Bombelkie

    Bombelkie Active Member

    Sep 24, 2014
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    Has anyone used the Rembrandt 3D android Tablet?


    Im getting one soon. Just would like to know what people think of it. I know I will love it. Check it out here
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2014
    Bombelkie, Sep 24, 2014
  2. Bombelkie

    Ian Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    Looks interesting - I've never even heard of it!

    How long till it arrives? I'd be interested to hear more about what you think once you've got it. :)
    Ian, Sep 25, 2014
  3. Bombelkie

    Bombelkie Active Member

    Sep 24, 2014
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    Its actually out already. Here is the site once again. Rembrandt 3D Android Tablet

    Included Features:

    a) The Maestro Tablet comes with Real Time conversion and playback of all 2D content into 3D AS3D format and for Playback on Consumer With Glasses Stereoscopic 3DTV’s.

    b) The 3D Maestro Tablet comes with On screen 3D User Friendly Controls. This is the only AS3D Tablet on the market today that incorporates “Live” 3D Depth Adjustments, allowing the viewer to “fix” the 3D image to their personal preference, making “customized” 3D corrections and optimizations, on the fly while viewing the 3D image.These controls operate the same as Brightness or Volume on a standard Tablet.

    This feature eliminates any concern regarding eye strain, and other 3D issues which have historically made 3D viewing problematic.

    c) 3D Versatility. The Rembrandt 3D Maestro Tablet features a 3D HDMI Output for a 3D Playback connection to a Standard With Glasses, HOME big screen 3DTV. This 2D to 3D conversion supports the User Friendly Adjustment while viewing content on With Glasses 3DTV, providing correction and optimization of the 3D With Glasses content. This feature eliminates eye strain and dizziness associated with viewing With Glasses 3DTV.

    d) The 3D Maestro Tablet supports playback of pre‐recorded and downloaded 3D stereoscopic content as found on Web Sites such as You Tube, Endless TV, YABAZZAM, and from commercial sources, and from the SD card..

    e) Accessories: Cover Stand / KeyBoard and Stylus Cover Stand / micro USB to standard USB cable for downloading from PC / Power Supply AD/DC Adapter / Instruction Manual / Quick Start Instructions.
    Bombelkie, Sep 25, 2014
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