For Christmas, I inherited an older samsung 55" flat-screen TV. After only watching things on my laptop for a very long time, it was great. ...but then I saw it had 3D functionality, and my thoughts drifted to some shutter glasses I found long ago in the goodwill bins. While I waited for those to come to the surface, I found a 3D copy of Guardians of the Galaxy Blu Ray. Which then got me to looking for a 3D Blu Ray player. After ordering the remote through mail order, I finally found the shutter glasses, and tried the whole package all at once. It seems the (panasonic).glasses aren't compatible with Samsung's system.... so it's back to Amazon to find appropriate eyeware! I chose from the compatibility list I found on the TV set itself, so fingers crossed! It's weird coming late to the party, every resource I've looked at is at least a decade old, and it seems the world has moved on from 3D to other gimmicks. I still have high hopes for this system, though. If I can't make this TV display 3D in flrealtime from my computer, I will then try to burn 3D blu ray disks that might work in this player. I'm still a ways off from being able to afford anything more elaborate than Google cardboard for VR things. It still seems like it would be fun to burn old Victorian stereographs to blu ray 3D, and browse them in the newer format. Hoping someone finds this message Ina bottle, and maybe wants to swap stories of the " good old days"