panasonic 3d tv

Discussion in '3D TVs' started by Fradge, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. Fradge

    Fradge Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    Hi i have just bought a new panasonic 50 inch plasma 3dtv.

    Review---Excellant 2d hd picture,
    600hz intellagent frame creation is supposed to stop motion blur when watching football,cricket etc but all it does on my tv is make the picture judder so it was switched off to watch the world cup games today.
    Audio is good.
    No upscaling of 2d to 3d pictures as the new samsung does.(very disappointing).
    Two pairs of 3d glasses have not tried them out yet as there is next to nothing out in 3d yet.
    Should have read the reviews on all the 3dtvs before i bought one as i would have got the samsumg at least i could have watched the world cup in 3d with no picture judder.
    Without having seen the 3d picture quality on my panasonic yet i cant make up my mind but i cant help feeling that i have wasted over two grand.
    Not going to shell out on a 3d blu-ray yet as the best part of Six hundred pound for a player with no 3d films to watch on it is just adding insult to injury.
    Fradge, Jun 11, 2010
  2. Fradge

    Ian Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    Welcome to the forums, Fradge - and thanks for the review!

    It's a real shame that there isn't a 2D>3D chip built in - but I'm sure this capability will be added to other products that you'll be able to plug in, so all is not lost.

    Have you considered going for a PS3 instead of a standalone 3D Blu-Ray player? It looks like the firmware will be available sometime in September, which will allow the PS3 to play 3D Blu-Ray content. You'll also be able to play a few stereo games on the PS3 in the meantime :).
    Ian, Jun 14, 2010
  3. Fradge

    Fradge Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    Hi ian yes i have updated my PS3 to play 3d games and downloaded the 3D games pack which consists of 3 games and 1 demo game all of which are great.
    Wipeout hd 3d is amazing and if the firmware update in september becomes a reality forget buying a 3d player just get a PS3 and get the best of both worlds.
    Fradge, Jun 16, 2010
  4. Fradge

    K. L. Morris Member

    Jun 19, 2010
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    Thanks for this review. I missed this TV I guess. I am going to research about this tv and see if it is worth buying or no. Thanks. Keep watching the space, I will be back with an update here.
    K. L. Morris, Jun 19, 2010
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