Need a double shutter release method

Discussion in '3D Cameras' started by barrykap, Jan 15, 2023.

  1. barrykap

    barrykap Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    Hi all.

    I have two almost identical hi-res cameras, Sony RX100VI and RX100VII

    I have made a stereo mount which holds both cameras at varying distances apart which I adjust according to the subject distance. It all works fine for me to take fairly accurate stereo pairs for further manipulation in stereomaker.

    However, I am having to press both shutters manually, perhaps just a little too long between to avoid the breeze moving trees and of course camera shake etc. So I would like to have instantaneous release of both shutters maybe using some kind of commercially available release gadget. Does anyone know one that will work with these cameras? ie I need to just press one button to fire both cameras and because they are very close together and are also very close to myself I don't really need any complicated radio-control. Is there a simple cabled solution? Any suggestion welcome.

    Many thanks.

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2023
    barrykap, Jan 15, 2023
  2. barrykap

    barrykap Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    I've gone for a hahnel Captur set with an additional receiver for the second camera.
    barrykap, Jan 15, 2023
  3. barrykap

    Technition-Ted Active Member

    Dec 12, 2022
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    Sounds like you have sorted it. I was going to suggest two of the robot button pushers you can get from Amazon.

    What type of videos or photos are you taking and what are you viewing them on if you don't mind me asking?
    Technition-Ted, Jan 20, 2023
  4. barrykap

    barrykap Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    Yes I have one receiver so far. waiting for the other transmitter/receiver set to arrive. I have two Sony A7's too so they will be useful for those too. I used to take a lot of stereo pairs using the one-camera-shifted method and with 35mm slide film, viewing in two hand-held slide viewers but of course never got two exactly the same time shots. Take mainly landscapes (close distance) but can now experiment with more subjects with the intended setup in digital. I view these in various ways at the moment, via anaglyph glasses or by 'raw side-by-side' viewing. And am currently working on using a VR headset with my phone to view them. All a bit experimental at the moment. Not many people do stereo work so be interested to share experiences with anyone on this forum.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2023
    barrykap, Jan 21, 2023
  5. barrykap

    Technition-Ted Active Member

    Dec 12, 2022
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    I loved what is now real3d (Sory bit of a nube) since seeing captain neo at Disney land in 1994.
    I had to wait for colour 3d at home so.realy don't want to let it go without some fight. I think the issues are that a lot of kit was rubbish and the industry over did it a bit then under sold it along with people that couldn't see the difference.

    Have you been able to move the I think it's called the parallel point so the items in the picture have pop out parts?
    I am really interested in moving the images slightly forward if the screen nit pop out so it's in your face but so the picture extends beyond just depth.
    I believe to do this correctly you have to take many shots at different focal lengths then use Adobe to combine them. So when you look at the image anything you look at isn't blurry. Well unless you want it to be.

    There's another person on here called Toast that is experimenting with two go pros to do video hopefully they will join the conversation.

    There is not many people around the forum at the moment but I'm sure avatar has interested a few that didn't experience it because they were too young.

    Glad you found the forum hopefully it'll come back alive!

    What software are you using to compile your images (if that's the correct terminology)
    Technition-Ted, Jan 21, 2023
  6. barrykap

    barrykap Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    Hi Ted. Yes very interesting. Not got down into the nitty gritty of the various ways of creating stereos yet but will digest it all when I have my basic setup working. I am making my own camera support clamp and when this is finished I can start taking some seriously. :) I am using Stereomaker to get the SBS and anaglyph samples. Keep the idea going. :) Cheers. Barry
    barrykap, Jan 21, 2023
  7. barrykap

    Technition-Ted Active Member

    Dec 12, 2022
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    Hi Barry what will you use to view your 3d images? I see Acer has a glasses free display out. I'm thinking at the moment it's more of a sales tool for use on the sales floor or in the window of a shop it'll make products look real and save the shop having to have demo stock.
    There about £1500 at the moment but will come down.
    Imagin a photo frame like that with pop out 3d or 360 Deg photos mind blown.
    Holography next lol

    There could be future work out there making mini product videos or images to advertise stuff.
    Technition-Ted, Jan 29, 2023
  8. barrykap

    barrykap Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    Hi Ted.

    I've tried quite a few methods but as usual, it is never satisfactory and needs expenditure by some generous company to produce a decent affordable viewer. I have used anaglyphs images onscreen viewed with red/blue glasses, side-by-side image copies viewed without any glasses on screen. Similarly printed SBS at a size I can 'fuse' them. Also as I said beore the best results I have ever had is using slides and viewed with two idential eye-level viewers. But want to avoid film. I now am thinking of the VR headsets using my phone to display SBS images. I bought a Ocullus Quest VR but I could never get the eye distance close enough (my IDP is about 56mm). So got rid of those. Currently have three different types of phone VR sets awaiting trials for when I have some decent shots to look at. I am conecentrtaing on designing my two-camera mount first so can take some shots. Will keep you posted when I have something to report. Cheers.
    barrykap, Jan 29, 2023
  9. barrykap

    Technition-Ted Active Member

    Dec 12, 2022
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    Thank you this is an interesting subject.

    I recently found that on projectors they have a screen size setting similar to Blu-ray players. This seems to alter the viewing width (if that makes sense)as seen between the eyes.
    Could be something to experiment with if your distance between cameras changes.

    Then there's Lenticular bit old but I've seen some good images
    Technition-Ted, Jan 29, 2023
  10. barrykap

    Technition-Ted Active Member

    Dec 12, 2022
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    Apologies you did say at the top of the thread how you were viewing images. Worth re reading some times
    Technition-Ted, Jan 29, 2023
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