FOR SALE - Rare 3D VHD video disc system & collection of 3D VHD discs

Discussion in '3D Movies' started by Kempskikid, Mar 15, 2023.

  1. Kempskikid

    Kempskikid New Member

    Mar 15, 2023
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    Hi All,

    I’m currently in the process of rationalising my many hobbies (too many to be honest, e.g. 8mm & 16mm movie film, 3-D video systems, classic car, my listed historic home!) and therefore I am letting some of the very rare items I have acquired over the years, find new appreciative homes.

    To that end I have listed a Victor VHD 3D video disc system and collection of 3D discs (Full length movies & Anime) on eBay and wanted to alert all Forum 3D movie geeks that it’s up there and available!

    This is a one time opportunity, the package includes some rare 3-D titles and the player is NEW old stock and tested too!

    Heres a link…

    I’ve 100% feedback since 1999 for your reassurance, and I will also entertain a private sale off eBay if required, email me here or on eBay.

    Thanks and good luck.

    6D4FE8B9-546A-4DC7-83F3-35C1090935B6.jpeg D6750211-37A7-4214-986E-9B7DFF6C9402.jpeg F96B70F5-1EEB-4903-ADBE-2527677FE8BA.jpeg 2614EE4C-2AE4-45CF-8A5F-E310D8E19BCB.jpeg
    Kempskikid, Mar 15, 2023
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