Cyberlink .com don't Support 3D any more on ther Blu-ray soft ware player

Discussion in 'General 3D and Stereoscopic Discussion' started by 3DLuver, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. 3DLuver

    3DLuver New Member

    Apr 19, 2020
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    Cyberlink has turned against 3d blu- ray fans. From their early DVD 13 to 19 ultra they had always included 3d and great if you did not have a 3d t.v it would offer anaglyphic as a choice, Well the new ultra 20 does not have the 3D mode anymore. They turned selfish and greedy by eliminating it a choice in their blu- ray player claiming it'son the decline bull. If 3d was on the decline then view master would have gone out of business after 1955 and the 3D stereo realist 35mm cameras would not have lasted al the way up to the seventies. This is selfishness and greed from the company who obviously want to speed up their profits by downsizing ion a technology that is really wrong. Sure mainstream entertainment fans are burned out by it, but us large minority of enthusiasts love it forever and this is enough of us to make a living for profit in the long run as opposed to greedy profit, serving the 2D majority only. So please inform a 3d home and computer enthusiast . If you have 19 don't buy twenty . Amazon sells the 19 versions Corel WinDVD still sells a software blu ray player with 3d and so does DVD fab, the last time I tried it out
    3DLuver, Apr 19, 2020
  2. 3DLuver

    Nima New Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    It's a bit disappointing, but I heard PowerDVD 19 was the best version with really good auto-3D conversion.

    There are a variety of other players and programs out there, and no one can make my PS4 stop playing 3D, so I'm not too worried about it. Plus, on a PC you can simply use a VR headset and rip 3D Blu-Rays to SBS. Voila, problem solved!
    Nima, Apr 22, 2020
  3. 3DLuver

    3DLuver New Member

    Apr 19, 2020
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    yes but its horribly complicated. the fact is the interest in 3d is big still, maybe not a majority, but electronic corporations are becoming more selfish and greedy against the consumer. In order to speed up their profit quickly, either downsize the employees or and item that only appeals to a minority of consumers, guess what they downsize 3d.Eventually, these businesses will go bank bankrupt. if they keep chipping way variety of choices for the consumer. It doesn't make any sense the from middle 2016 electronic is strong it could of died 2012 if they decide to pull it off back then to increase profit fast .Now it's disappearing .Greed .Want to increase profits fast
    3DLuver, Apr 23, 2020
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