Creating a stereo image from 1 image

Discussion in 'General 3D and Stereoscopic Discussion' started by she11z, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. she11z

    she11z New Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    I have recently purchased Facegen to create 3D models of faces for a thesis im currently working on. As Facegen does not do stereoscopic images, I need to export the single face image (.bmp) to another software program.

    My question is - does anyone know of any software programs that can allow me to create a stereoscopic representation of a image from facegen (just one image). All the programs I have looked at so far require you to import two images to create a stereoscopic view (a left-eye view and a right-eye view at about 6.5cm apart). As my face model is an animation, I need to find a software program that allows me to create a stereoscopic view from only one image (so the program needs to be able to artifically create this left-eye/right-eye view for me).

    Does anyone know of any good programs? Cheap ones too would be good!

    she11z, Feb 25, 2011
  2. she11z Member

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Since you have a 3D model of the face, the best way to make a stereoscopic image is not using an artificial splitting program (because that just guesses what it should look like). Since a 3D model requires a virtual camera position to view it from, just take two movies of the animation with the program, from two different neighboring camera positions (where the viewers eyes would be). Then you will have to sets of images by splitting the videos into frames. I'm not sure the best software for this or really if it makes sense for your specific situation, but hopefully it is still helpful.

    ~Change is Silver
    Author of "How to Make a Holodeck" ( and Creator of Unili arT (
, Apr 5, 2011
  3. she11z

    Gleneagles Member

    Dec 29, 2010
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    Napa Valley, California
    There are several low-priced software programs for 2-D to 3-D conversion, but here's one that I'm using: 3-D Combine. There are some Youtube tutorials for 3-D Combine which will give you an idea of both the automatic and the manual functions. The manual system, which is superior, has you create a depth map from the 2-D image, and the algorithms will do the conversion from there. I am only now learning how to bring depth to faces from 2-D photographs, but a good working knowledge of the gradient tool in Photoshop, Gimp or PaintNET seems to be the secret.
    Gleneagles, Apr 21, 2011
  4. she11z

    Wrightway Stone Active Member

    Feb 6, 2011
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    You got it!

    Hi she11z,
    You can use FaceShop software to do the 1 image to 3D object,
    to purchase it from
    Attached is the sample of Arnold, from 1 image to 3D .obj file, for use in 3D Max or Poser.
    Wrightway Stone
    [email protected]

    Attached Files:

    Wrightway Stone, May 6, 2011
  5. she11z

    arronlee Member

    Dec 30, 2013
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    Hi, fcimage.
    Have you ever trie it yet? I am testing about another
    image creating projects these days. I am not so sure whether it allows stereo image creating or not, either. Do you have any ideas about it? Or any good suggestion? Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,
    arronlee, Feb 26, 2014
  6. she11z

    3d model farm New Member

    May 21, 2014
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    California,United States
    We have been into 3d modeling and wanted to shift gears into 3d stereoscopic,just wanted some suggestion as how can i initially approach and slowly step into 3D stereoscopic 3d modeling?
    3d model farm, May 21, 2014
  7. she11z

    Cre8ive New Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Hi She11z,

    Since your model has been rendered in 3D, it would be best to capture 2 variations of the render from slightly different angles (you can find some guidelines online on the technical measurements in terms of distance between the 2 renderings and the depth field of your virtual camera), and save them as separate files. Export the files to Adobe Photoshop where you can manipulate the visuals with the colour channels that would in turn give the desired effect.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2018
    Cre8ive, Jun 19, 2018
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