Bino, VLC or Kdenlive help please, strange ghosting?

Discussion in 'General 3D and Stereoscopic Discussion' started by new3duser, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. new3duser

    new3duser New Member

    Jul 10, 2021
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    I am completely new to 3D and wanted to try making some videos that you can use 3D glasses with, anaglyphic type.

    Anyway I have tried to do it using a free program called Bino on a Linux Ubuntu operating system as well as Kdenlive - the most recent version on the Windows 10 operating system and get similarly unusual results, I don't know the terminology of what I am seeing but essentially the screen is showing the original footage not as a representation of the original film but in 3d but it is echoing parts of the film in different parts of the screen, so for example a picture of an object appears in two parts of the screen and not one. Can anyone point me in the right direction or suggest an alternative program to use?

    Attached Files:

    new3duser, Jul 10, 2021
  2. new3duser

    new3duser New Member

    Jul 10, 2021
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    Here is a clip of Bino, what am I doing wrong in the settings to see the dogs face twice on the screen?

    Attached Files:

    • bino.png
      File size:
      329.4 KB
    new3duser, Jul 10, 2021
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