BenQ W1070 3D playback issue

Discussion in 'General 3D and Stereoscopic Discussion' started by Oskars, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Oskars

    Oskars New Member

    Apr 4, 2015
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    Hi folks !

    Recently i bought an BenQ W1070 projector, and i'm facing a problem to playback anaglyph stereopairs from my PC.
    The problem is - left and right eye frames are somehow shifted - if i try to watch top/bottom pair - frames are shifted verticaly for about 10% of screen height, and shifted horizontaly for same in side-by-side stereopair case.
    I tryed number of player software, such as VLC, Stereoscopic Player, TopDVD and so, with no success.
    What i do - i run stereoscopic movie file on my PC (fullscreen)- turn on projector 3D format processing - and have this shifted eye mangling picture.
    My system is -
    Windows 7 64bit
    Player SW - number of them,
    ATI Radeon R9 280 - last driver version,
    HDMI 1.4 interconnect
    SainSonic Zodiac GX-30 shutter glasses.
    I have absolutely none problem to playback any non-stereoscopic images,
    I'm absolutely sure my shutter glasses are working fine.
    Please, what i'm doing wrong ? Does some videocard driver settings or add-ons necessary ? Seems like projector is switching left/right frames in wrong timing. To be more precise, in vertical anaglyph case, rows are going not RLRLRLRL, but RRRLRLRLLL instead.
    Please tell me, if some photos of my screen can be helpful.

    And sorry for my english.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
    Oskars, Apr 4, 2015
  2. Oskars

    Oskars New Member

    Apr 4, 2015
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    OK, problem found - seems like some incompatibility with my desktop graphics card - all runs fine from my laptop..
    Oskars, Apr 8, 2015
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