I would like to share with you a little gem of a game I have been playing for some time called 7 Days to Die. It looks great in 3D with Tridef3d drivers, I'm not sure about Nvidia 3D vision, I haven't tested it out yet. I was invited to join Tyson8earzz ( [url]http://www.twitch.tv/tyson8earzz[/url]) to his server and check out this huge (work in progress) Build him and another player called Applesauce have been working on. I have to say, I am very impressed with how much effort and attention to detail went into this.They must have spent countless hours trying to work out where everything should go and how it should look. This fort has it's own unique personality to it, it's not a survival base,even though there are barricades, it's more about the look and feel. Actually, if this was a real place I could visit, you can bet you would see me there, even if the Zombies are there too. This type of player collaboration really opened my eyes to the real potential the game has. [CENTER]:[SIZE=4]To view this Video in 2D, select the little gear at the bottom left corner of the Youtube screen and then select 3D off, then side by side and Left image only.[/SIZE][/CENTER] Sry guys I capture all my footage in 3D I know it's a pain in the @$$ having to go threw all that just to see a video. Here is a link to the Video: [media=youtube]n6d88-vYFvA[/media] Stay tuned to my next live stream by following me Here: [url]http://www.twitch.tv/recostar[/url] as I will be in a Skype call with Tyson8earzz and Applesauce while streaming to TwitchTV. I'll keep you guys updated with more information on how they went about starting this build and why they decided to make it so eclectic and stylized apposed to a more tradition survival base. Also, hit me up on Twitter here:[url]https://twitter.com/s3dgamerzone[/url] and Facebook :[url]https://www.facebook.com/S3DgamerZone[/url]