I am an 83 year old retired photographer and I have been shooting stereo slides since 1953 with the same Stereo Realist camera. That is until a few years ago when film and processing costs put a strain upon my Social Security check. When I can get out and around I now shoot with one of my two 3D camcorders, although that means sacrificing resolution for 3D. I have recently acquired a Vizio 42 inch 3D HDTV. Vizio uses the passive system which utilizes polaroid glasses. I have an active shutter glasses system from some years ago, but it will only work with some Cathode Ray Tube TV sets. However, I prefer the Polaroid glasses system which is much cheaper and since I wear glasses anyway (who doesn't these days?) clip on 3D glasses are like not having to wear 3D glasses at all. Since most people do wear glasses these days I cannot understand why they balk at having to wear 3D glasses to view a 3D movie since clip ons eliminate the problem. That is, unless you prefer the ridiculous cost and added weight and complexity of shutter glasses as well as wearing glasses over glasses. But I see that I am rambling. I hope that this somewhat introduces me and I look forward to becoming a part of the forums.