3D film dissertation. Would appreciate help.

Discussion in '3D Movies' started by Jade, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Jade

    Jade New Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    My name is Jade Matheson and I am an editing and post production student in my third year of studies at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, London.

    I am currently conducting primary research in order to aid my dissertation and was wondering if anyone would have the time to answer a few questions regarding the importance of story telling in 3D film making. I understand you must be very busy and I would be very appreciative if anybody could answer a few questions:

    • What is the most important component to 3d film making?
    • In your opinion, what is the most successful 3D film and why?
    • What is your opinion on blockbuster releases using post conversion to generate more cinema sales?
    • Do you believe 3D film making technologies (such as post conversion) are being used for the wrong reasons?
    • In your opinion, what makes a 3D film a true success?
    • Do you feel the medium will remain popular in cinemas or do you believe the experience will be brought to homes?

    Jade Matheson
    Jade, Nov 20, 2014
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